View Menu Commands

The View menu offers the following commands:

System Information... Displays information about the system.
Expand All Expands all nodes in the Module Dependency Tree View.
Collapse All Collapses all nodes in the Module Dependency Tree View.
Auto Expand When checked, the Module Dependency Tree View will automatically expand to show modules as they are added.
Full Paths Shows or hides full file paths in the Module Dependency Tree View and the Module List View.
Undecorate C++ Functions Display undecorated C++ functions names in both the Parent Import Function List View and the Export Function List View.
Highlight Matching Item Highlights the matching item in the related view.
Highlight Original Instance In Tree Highlights the original instance of the selected module in the Module Dependency Tree View.
Highlight Previous Instance In Tree Highlights the previous instance of the selected module in the Module Dependency Tree View.
Highlight Next Instance In Tree Highlights the next instance of the selected module in the Module Dependency Tree View.
Refresh Updates all views for the active Module Session Window.
View Module in External Viewer Opens the selected modules in the external module viewer.
Lookup Function in External Help Lookup the selected function in the external help collection.
Properties... Displays the Windows Properties dialog for the selected modules.
Toolbar Shows or hides the toolbar.
Status Bar Shows or hides the status bar.